Sunday Service - 9AM
Livestream available on our Facebook and YouTube pages
Links to recoded services:
Sunday Service August 13th - History of St Peters
May the Lord of Life watch over us all and keep us safe!
We are a lively congregation, inspired by the life of Jesus, made servants of God by the power of the Holy Spirit, and lead by God to be God's Servants in the world. St. Peter's is a congregation with a long history, but we are made new daily by the gift of God's Grace. We understand Grace to be at the heart of God's love for us, in spite of our brokenness and troubles. God is "for us" and so we are here "for others." Come, visit us! Check us out. We promise you a warm welcome, in Jesus' name!
Clothing bin
A bin for clothing and shoes is located at the back of the church parking lot. It will be emptied weekly. Please avail yourself of this opportunity to help St. Peter's and yourself as you do fall and/or spring closet cleaning. You may drop items in the bin 24/7! Tell your family, friends, and neighbors.